Our porfolio
Take a look at some of our past developments across Norfolk and Suffolk

From the moment you move in, our dedicated Aftercare team will be close by to help you with any queries you might have. We know that freshly built houses settle over time, so you can rely on our swift response if you have any issues. We also offer a two-year defects warranty, so you can rest assured you’ll have ongoing support from our helpful team for many months to come.
We take personal pride in the quality of our properties but, just in case, your new home is protected by a 10-year latent defects and structural warranty from market-leader Build Zone. This means that if anything your warranty covers does go wrong, it will be fixed for you for the first 10 years following construction. You can check all the details in your homeowner’s handbook.
If you’re already one of our homeowners and you need to get in touch, you can report all issues to customercare@heritage-developments.com or call 01603 615024 during our normal working hours.
For any out-of-hours emergencies, please call NPA 24:7 on 0345 6044424, who will be able to help.
Take a look at some of our past developments across Norfolk and Suffolk
We've got everything covered, from buying your home to moving in